Armadillo City Review

Okay so today my armadillo city arrived and I think I’m in love ! Within an hour of me opening it Harry was in having a nap so it must be good…
Firstly the price tag – it’s only £179 am absolute bargain in my opinion for a brand new pushchair this good (I seriously think I’m going to have it for years) and a 2year warranty.
If you like and need small this is amazing – and it actually doesn’t look or feel small or like you’re missing out on anything. When it’s folded it’s about the same size as a hand luggage suitcase it fits in my car boot and I drive a suzuki alto (smaller than a mini).
It looks good. All the framework is black with color coordinated bars to your fabric choice. It’s sleek and looks classic and sporty and the harness is color coordinated too.
The hood is huge there’s so much coverage you shouldn’t need a sun shield and it should be great against our British weather as a wind barrier.
The harness is quick and easy to fasten unfasten and adjust I promise. And has three height positions for your babies size.
The seat is robust and padded.
There’s a kick guard for messy shoes.
The basket is roomy with elastic ares sides and nothing can fall out but I find I can’t get my handbag in it.
There’s a spy hole to check on your little one that magnet fastens.
The seats adjustable to sit up or lay back and nap.
The handlebar is padded but not adjustable height it’s perfect for me and I’m 5ft but any shorter and you may not like it.
Comes with rain cover.
A very easy to use flip flop break and the wheels can lock straight or swivel. It’s called city for a reason though don’t go mountain trekking with it but it looks perfect for buses trains planes malls and supermarkets.
It’s light weight easy to carry folds at the push of a button and steers easily.
It was so easy to set up all you have to do is attach the brake and wheels (takes about sixty seconds).
The only ‘cons’ are;
I chose the blue colour package labelled indigo which it IS it just looks different to the blue on their website
There is no bar – I quite like the option of a bar but there you go
And you have to buy everything compatible separately – footmuff, liner, umbrella, cup holder.
I’m going to buy a footmuff I don’t think I need a liner and a cup holder just so I can have my hands free. I’m so pleased with it and can’t recommend it highly enough to other mums 🙂


A whinge…

The dreaded fourth month

The aim of this post is just to vent a little and gain a little sympathy
I think were in full throw of the sleep regression Harry basically wakes at least once an hour and I have to keep getting up and putting his dummy in and his first feed is now around 5-6 am 😦 to add to this he won’t seem to nap in the day and is acting restless and fretful. I’m really worried he’s not getting enough sleep. This is interfering with his feeds too they’d only just got a solid pattern now he’s having half a bottle here there and anywhere.
He’s 15lb12oz now too which is not doing my back any favours whatsoever, I feel like I’m about to break in half.
We haven’t established any weaning I was advised to start baby rice at 17 weeks to get him used to the spoon but I’ve done two attempts and just think why even bother trying to achieve anything at such a fussy time.
I hope this is just a phase because I’m really not enjoying the fourth month. Apart from him being funnier than ever and learning to roll over we’re not having much joy.
I’d love to hear from anyone going through similar, or better yet someone who’s come out the other side 🙂 x

My Dream Pushchair

The armadillo vs the armadillo city

So today I wake up and there’s been a miracle. I’ve had my heart set on buying myself Harry an armadillo by mamas and papas for Christmas. It just looks amazing! Bright, quirky, compact and easy to fold – everything I need. I’ve been struggling to choose my colour package plus with adding extras (footmuff, blanket etc) it’s rolling in at quite a small fortune (okay to me; I’m not one of those people who can afford to waste spend a grand on a pram). Low and behold I click on their site to discover today they have launched the armadillo city 🙂 it’s smaller which is even better for me as I’m tiny and so is my car plus it comes in at £20 less than the original. Pre order is available on this little beauty for September delivery so should I go for it? The ONLY thing is it doesn’t have a bar. Does this really matter? If anyone out there has any opinions on the armadillo or is looking to buy one too please comment. x


So little time, so much to do…

Looking back, and because this is my first baby, I keep thinking; I should’ve done that, I haven’t done this, oh why didn’t I know about that? Etc. does anyone else find themselves doing this? A lot of it comes from too much comparison to other mothers, babies of a similar age and countless websites. At the end of the day I’ve realised me and Harry have just been far too busy having fun and enjoying each other which is surely what it’s all about right? So what if I (still) have the baby ink sat in the cupboard to do his newborn hand prints and he’s now 17 weeks old. So what if he’s probably only done a grand total of twenty minutes tummy time in his life (he likes his back). And so what if we haven’t had a professional photo shoot or kept a diary. We’re happy. I think we’re all doing a fantastic job as mothers but sometimes you just need to hold your hands up and admit you can’t do everything. It’s impossible. And if you could you’d be a billionaire. Considering I’m doing it alone I think we’re doing pretty well 🙂
Has the biggest smile on his face every day when he wakes up, can pretty much hold his head now, is trying to roll over, loves playing, is ticklish and giggly, is THE loudest baby you’d ever hear, drinks 35oz a day no night feeds, sleeps 9-6, goes crazy in the bath, has far too good hearing, is teething, loves being naked and lights up any room he enters. I even have to park in a no disc zone when we go shopping because we get stopped so much by complete strangers to say how beautiful he is!
I want him to be a baby as long as possible and enjoy every second as it really is true – they grow up far too fast.


Welcome to Our Changing Station

I just thought I’d do a quick post about what we have in our changing station and products I swear by 🙂 please comment if you have any must haves I’d love to know about…
1. A changing mat
Yeah, obviously. It’s a baby blue great value one from mothercare Harry’s had from birth and I love it – it’s nice and padded and easy to wipe clean.
2. His toys
I keep them all here, it includes; soft animals, a rain maker, books and comforters. I’m a big believer in classical conditioning and association (yeah I studied psychology) so I always use the same toy in the same place ie bedtime, bath time, car time…
3. Nappies
Harry’s currently in size3 and has been since he turned 10 weeks! I swear by boots baby brand – they never leak, have cute designs, are reasonably priced and earn me 10 advantage card points per £ I spend on them 😉 I have active stretch for playtime and super dry for sleep and long journeys/trips out. I also have a few pampers simply dry – really cheap – I use one a day around about the time he has a poop because their mesh layer helps absorb a lot of it (top tip!).
4. Wipes
Again boots baby, they’re fragrance free, super sensitive and always on offer in boots parenting club. (If you haven’t already joined do!!!) I have loads of these stashed everywhere – mummy’s and their wipes hey?
5. Changing essentials
Tesco nappy bags – they smell of banana and a pack lasts ages! Some tesco wipes too (wipes,wipes,wipes) these were on offer and have that handy little lid like the boots ones! (Huggies, pampers and john sons annoy me and the wipes dry out) I just use these to wipe his mat and toys etc.
Boots baby nappy cream – I LOVE this, I buy tonnes, it’s not thick like sudocreme and you can’t smell it. The tubes handy too and cheaper than bepanthen which just reminds me off tattoos rather than babies!
Hand Sanitizer – I buy in bulk from eBay I have one here, changing bag, next to steriliser, in bathroom and next to bed. Yep I sure do hate those pesky bacteria…
6. Spare bedding
Self explanatory. Only 100% cotton for my boy – I learnt from my mother – it’s breathable and thermal so keeps him warm or cool.
7. Towels
Harry goes mad when I take him out of the bath because he loves it soooo much, so I bundle him in a cosy towel and feed him right away to cheer him up. Putting a screaming baby into pyjamas is just too hard
8. Toiletries
The boots baby obsession continues (what’s not to love?!) lotion, oil and talc. I also have some cotton wool pads for cleaning his delicate areas and bedtime lotion (I’m still in two minds about whether it actually makes for a better nights sleep). The little bear is a rattle he’s had since i brought him home from hospital – he used to get upset when he was naked (can hardly believe it now) so this was a distraction.

And underneath I keep…
Harry’s books
Fairy tales and Winnie the Pooh stories for chill out time
My books gina ford – the one thing she thought me put your baby down for a nap TWO hours after they wake, it works. And a journal.
His keepsake box I had this handmade, it contains everything from hospital letters, scans and his first socks to his umbilical cord, pyjamas and dummy.

That’s it!












What’s in our Basket?…

Every week I will update what we have bought 🙂

Within the next two weeks we are really excited that daddy will be home so we bought this memory maker kit – it’s our first opportunity to do something like this.
And while he’s here we get to start the wonderful world of weaning!* I’ve chosen the mimsy owl snacker high chair by joie for it’s padded wipe clean seat and big storage basket.
My lovely friend has also given us her baby cook by beaba (rrp £90) which I’m thrilled about because I won’t be using baby food jars but opting for all natural healthy options.

*Any hints or tips about weaning would be greatly appreciated !


All the women who independent …

Ten Things About Being Alone

Although I’m not a ‘single mum’ I’m definitely a lone parent. Skittles father works at sea and out of his 14 weeks of life they’ve spent 2 days together just to put it into perspective. It is what it is. We love him equally but I’m the one raising him.
So. I take my hat off to anyone doing it alone and to any couples who split the responsibility 50/50, 60/40 or even 90/10… You really need to appreciate how lucky you are and may not realise those tiny little things you get to do – we mostly don’t. Don’t take each other for granted; every time you pass the baby to each other for a turn or one of you just watches it for a sec while you nip to the loo spare a thought for those of us who can’t.
1. It was eight days postpartum before I washed my hair. Yes I was that busy. No I really never had the opportunity.
2. I don’t wear any makeup tan perfume or jewellery.
3. I haven’t had a full nights sleep since July 2013. I’ve done every feed every single one.
4. Me and Harry have only spent 7hours apart since he was born – to attend a christening and a baby shower. Every single second of the day is spent together.
5. So in answer to the question I get asked a lot no I’ve not had a night out yet and probably won’t until around Christmas maybe?
6. I’ve had to learn how to do everything with one hand, sometimes no hands.
7. I live off cold food. It’s impossible to plan, buy, cook, eat and wash up a hot meal. Just wouldn’t happen.
8. Also, every tea/coffee I make is cold by the time I get to drink it
9. DIY I’ve built his pram cot dresser bouncers swing and redecorated the bathroom with baby in tow
10. As a result I weigh less than I did before I became pregnant
The next time his dads home I plan on sleeping, hoovering the house to within an inch of its life, having a bath and going on a sunbed for the first time in 14 months 🙂

Chapter Two; After the Birth

An hour after my delivery I was wheeled onto a ward but still drowsy. I better give this baby a name – Henry Diego Cojeen – my Harry. Henry after Henry VIII (no one ever believes that) me and chris are big history buffs and Tudor fans, Diego after the island chris served some time on in the Royal Marines and Cojeen because I’m old fashioned and think children should take their fathers surname. He was so so perfect. And he was mine. I just kept staring at him watching everything he did every tiny little movement and facial expression. He didn’t open his eyes much but when he did it just lit up the room. He had some small cuts on his head from the ventouse, really dry cracked skin all over his joints hands and feet from being overdue and some of my blood dried into his hair and ears (nice!).
About three hours after my delivery (I was still dizzy, drowsy and vomiting – I could not stop vomiting) my midwife told me I had to go for a shower. I really couldn’t be assed and just wanted to sit with my baby, even though I was kind of sitting on my hip due to the episiotomy (detail to follow). So I stood up and couldn’t feel my legs I grabbed hold of the bed and threw up all over it. I had to hold onto my mum to get to the door and when I did another midwife grabbed a wheelchair and told me to get back in bed I shouldn’t be trying to do anything, my lips had turned purple by this point and I was trembling (I think I was still in shock). The two midwives argued amongst themselves about what I should be doing. I continued to throw up all day and could only hold down lucozade and starburst of all things.
That day Harry wouldn’t take his milk very well and he was under hourly obs. We settled down for the evening about 10pm at light outs and I just watched him. Everyone kept telling me to sleep but I just couldn’t I felt like I couldn’t take my eyes of him and had to check his every breath. His little eyes were sparkling at me and I realised that this was the very first time we’d been completely alone together and this was the end of his very first day in the world. I sent his dad a video of him doing absolutely nothing, nothing has ever been so much.

He woke up at 6am making the cutest little noises snuffling away he was very sniffly. I couldn’t believe it he’d done his first sleep and it was day two of being alive and this was the rest of our lives 🙂 I was still feeling really lousy and lonely all the other women had their partners with them twelve hours a day but I only had family during visiting hours which was really hard for me. Not only being alone but seeing all the other dads bonding with their babies knowing mine wouldn’t meet for weeks. I couldn’t do anything and I was exhausted. When my parents turned up that was my opportunity to go to the toilet! I still hadn’t really eaten anything either. I went for a bath and it was pretty horrifying (I may be being a tad self involved) I’d never seen my body this way nothing can prepare you for seeing yourself ruined. I’d always been more than happy with my body even when pregnant and the size of a house I looked okay but this was scary. I told my mum to pass me a towel before I threw up. Yup the sight of myself made me sick. You think it’ll never recover but it does just to reassure you. My stomach looked like a deflated cone shaped balloon – give me back the bump! I had so much swelling from the epesiotomy it was the size of a tennis ball. I had two black bloodshot eyes. Bruises started appearing all over my face and body and my wrists were a mess from the multiple IVs. Blood loss was huge and I couldn’t be assed running a bath (they should so do it for you) so I can honestly say that was the crappiest shower of my life and I’d have rather stayed dirty – ignorance is bliss. Harry still wasn’t feeding or winding too well and was getting upset that night, when I asked a midwife for advice I was told ‘persevere you’re going to spend a lot of time pacing these floors tonight’. What an effing joke I mean what are they paid for?! I was alone knackered and had only been a mother for 36 hours. It hit me that no one was ever going to help me out. The next day I was told we could be discharged I was so excited to take him home and finally get out of there. I felt so on edge 24/7 and had endured lots of (horrible) other people coming and going while we were still cooped up in the corner. I bathed my son and got his best outfit ready. The obstetrician came and performed his discharge checks and I packed my bags. Just as I was dressing Harry my midwife came over and said she wasn’t happy for us to leave and called the doctor back. Why was she suddenly doing this to me? She seemed like she was taking pleasure in knocking me down. Harry’s belly button was red and looked sore and to avoid risking infection they asked me to keep him in hospital and he’d be put on meds. I knew it was best for him as I’d never do anything to jeopardise his health but I was so devestated. I just sat on my bed holding him, crying. I didn’t think I could take another sleepless lonely night and I was so angry the dr was as unprofessional to say my son was fine and then not merely five minutes later. This confirmed it I had no faith left whatsoever in the staff at this hospital. Harry had further obs and was put on antibiotics. That afternoon we were moved into our own private suite so we could get some peace and quiet (I really think I’d have gone mad otherwise) and I had all my own facilities in my room so I never had to leave his side for a moment. We both slept really well and it gave me opportunity to talk to him loads about his dad. He started taking more milk and I’d give him olive oil massages for his cracked skin. He had really sharp nails too and scratched his face badly (he still has the mark). The next couple of days were a mix of blood, nosebleeds, dizziness and chest pain – which I didn’t mention to anyone because I wanted to go home – I felt like I was going to drop down. On the Friday I was finally allowed to leave and take my boy home with a course of meds and would you believe just before we left he vomited everywhere! We had a really narrow escape (the midwife was looking for more reasons to keep us there). He looked so so tiny in his pram suit and car seat and I was so proud and relieved to finally walk my little skittle out of their door.
I don’t think ill ever quite be able to translate to words the sadness I felt that it wasn’t his daddy carrying him into the big wide world. And this his first few days of life were spent so miserably. I don’t have any of those classic photos – first feeding, him in my arms, the first ever family photograph – so people don’t realise just how lucky they are who get to experience that as a unit. But I had my little boy and at the end of the day that’s all that matters.

NB do not be scared of going to the loo after giving birth it’s absolutely fine!!!! Yes there’s blood and it feels weird but of course you just had a baby! It’s not painful and you won’t rip I promise!



My Birth Story

imageFirstly a couple of things I forgot to mention
1 throughout the entirety of my pregnancy I measured small for dates (I kept telling them they had my dates wrong) and was sent for extra growth scans and referrals and was terrified of my baby not being healthy
2 on that note nobody listens to you if I could go back now I’d be so different I’d really stand up for myself a lot more but I think the exhaustion takes over and you lose the will
3 since finding out I was pregnant I always referred to my baby as the skittle and it caught on (we still call him that now)
4 CONTRACTIONS on many occasions I asked professionals and mothers what they would feel like and how would I know when I was having them well here’s my tip TRUST NO ONE I was told they feel like ‘really bad period cramps’ well for one I’ve never had period pain in my life so that was about as useful as a chocolate fire guard. And two no no they don’t cramp and not in your abdomen. I was also told ‘oh you’ll just know’ well guess what … I didn’t! I was having them for days sporadically and they were bearable; that and the fact I just wrote them off as part of pregnancy pain a thing I’d gotten so used to it was just another pain on my list.

My Birth Story
I attended my induction at 6pm on 6th April 2014. Spent an hour sat on a bed alone doing nothing. Then I was hooked up to a monitor which tracks yours and the babies heartbeats and any contractions. I was having big contractions! I was just good at dealing with them. I was having back labour as my baby was still in the back to back position. Soon I felt them in my front too I can only describe them as feeling like a got tingly wave across your stomach but mostly like an electric shock. I was left for about three hours then a midwife came to examine me (the wrong patient might I add. My entire experience with nobles was very dis satisfactory). That sweep was the single most shockingly painful thing id ever endured in my life and I still to this day blame that for my ordeal. She didn’t even try to be considerate (imagine someone shoving their fist up your little hooha that hasn’t had so much as a tampon inserted for the best part of a year… Yeah exactly) my back was arching and I gripped the sheets, she made me bleed and the pain afterward lasted hours. I cried. I was told I wasn’t dilated at all so would have the first gel inserted “oh nothing will happen with you tonight we’ll do your second gel when you wake up”.
Oh how wrong she was….
At about 1am I woke up in pain so tried to walk it off around the ward and went to the loo. I was bleeding from my assault, sorry exam and thought teamed with my contractions this was just pain. Sorry this is tmi but I had a poo because I was in the toilet so long trying to cope with the pain and I’m so glad I did as pooing during delivery had always been one of my ultimate fears! I got back in bed but an hour later I was crying with pain so approached the desk I told them ‘this is definitely it I can’t take this pain’ to which I was told ‘no you’re not dilated get back in bed and someone will bring you some paracetamol’.
I couldn’t get back in bed I stood leaning on it crying my eyes out the pain was unbearable. When I eventually clambered back on I had to be examined again (oh great) the horrible midwife tried and couldn’t reach my cervix so a second doctor appeared to fist sorry examine me for the THIRD time (my poor vagina). I was told I was ‘1cm can stretch it to 2 if I try’. WHAT THE HELL?! 1 frigging cm my thought was if this is 1cm how can I possibly get to ten without dying?! They agreed I could have a shot of morphine as pain relief but I’d have to go back on the monitor. They both left me to get the anesthetist but when they returned they started panicking at my monitor and I felt a warm gushing I said ‘I’m really sorry but I think I’m wetting myself’ ‘no your waters have broken’ they told me.
My waters and the monitor showed that my baby was in distress and had done a poo and his heart rate dropped right off.
As I said above I blame that woman for literally making my son ‘sh*t himself’ and sending him into fetal distress. That alongside sending me back to bed numerous times as if I was a naughty child probably had a lot to do with the way my birth went.
The next thing I knew my bed was surrounded and they were running me through corridors pushing my bed through big double doors – it really was like something you see on the telly – and it was all happening so fast I was alone and scared.
(I forgot to mention at about 2am I began messaging my sister to try and distract from the pain telling her all about them ignoring me, at about 5 she asked if I wanted her to call my mum but I said no I didn’t want to disturb her. Luckily my sister did completely ignore me and called my mum.)
I vaguely remember someone putting circulation socks on me and dressing me in a robe while someone else told me they were rushing me to theatre for an emergency section and if be having an injection in my spine. The head obstetrician had also been called out. I think there were near ten professionals around my bed. Some consent forms on a clipboard appeared in front of my face and I was told to sign them quickly; my response was ” I’m going to die aren’t I and you don’t want my family to sue you” but I signed them anyway – well the pen made contact with the paper (I’d had the shot of morphine) – I repeatedly said “that’s not how I do my signature”. At that moment my mum came into the room I was so happy to see her, they started explaining to her that I was going into theatre and she could attend but all of a sudden everything seemed to change. My babies heart rate had picked up and I was told I could still deliver naturally. I was hooked up to a monitor and an IV and used gas and air only to cope with my painful contractions. The gas and air is a godsend! But to be honest I think it’s more of a distraction and something to focus on and keep you calm and regulated as apposed to actually blocking out the pain. At no point was I offered or asked for any other pain relief. At around 8am my midwife (kelly anne whose name I kept forgetting and calling Shona because she had the same Scottish accent as my friend) told me I was about 8/9 cm. I’d dilated really quickly. I kept apologising to her in between breaths and contractions for not making conversation! Honestly the things you come out with when in labour are crazy! I couldn’t stop blinking or keep my eyes open and kept saying green grass to my mum who had absolutely no idea what I was talking about! (An old character in itv drama heartbeat of all things – who blinked a lot!) looking back it must have been quite funny. And I promised I wouldn’t shout or swear. In my opinion you cannot prepare for giving birth my only advice would be don’t waste energy and when it comes to pushing push like you’re doing the biggest poo of your life – trust me it’s the most efficient way to get the job done – I was very in control of this mindset. My IV kept coming out so had to be put in two different veins. I was squeezing my mums hand so tight with one hand (she told me her wedding rings nearly broke her fingers but I wouldn’t let go) and holding my gas in the other while being given sips of lucozade – my lips dried out to the point they were peeling off. It was time to push. I was pushing for a long time. The feelings indescribable. But my baby was back to back and I was getting exhausted he just wasn’t coming. His head kept appearing but then sliding back up the fact of the matter was he was literally just too big for me to deliver. Normally you’d be sectioned in this case or at least given epidural but nope not little old me! A doctor was rushed in as my baby was once again becoming distressed in the birth canal and needed to be delivered. She started explaining to me she was going to make a cut I told her just do it without telling me I wanted my baby out now. She performed the episiotomy in order to fit a ventouse in; oh great an assisted delivery – what a mess there was blood everywhere lots of it, the place looked like a horror movie scene. Finally my little boy was born at 9.50 he started crying and was placed straight on me. It was the happiest most relieving moment of my life and my mum was so happy. It’s true that the pain just sort of instantly stops and goes away. Straight away they took him to the other side of the room for his obs and again there were quite a lot of people present. I made my mum continue holding my hand while the doctor delivered my placenta and stitched me – it was agony! I literally felt like a cushion I could feel every thread and just wanted to hold my son she told me ‘keep still and let me do a good job of this you’ll thank me one day’ to which I replied something whingy like just leave me open I don’t even care. Idiot. But that’s how I felt in the moment.
The head gyno appeared at my side and a midwife had hold of my son “oh he’s big I’d say 9lb” WHAT I thought she was joking! After all the talk of having a tiny baby and me only being a 7st size 6… He replied “nooo I’d say 8,12” and my son weighed 8lb11oz. Wow. No wonder it wasn’t easy! The midwife couldn’t even fit a newborn hat on his head and had to go fetch another. I was absolutely exhausted so my mum gave him his first bottle for me and then my dad appeared. I’ll never forget him walking across the room and welling up at the sight of his first grandchild. I was absolutely devastated that his daddy had missed this and came so close to potentially losing us both. I messaged him straight away simply; ‘you’re a dad x’.